I think this question is for individual tastes, and personally, I love crossdressing and I’m definitely not gay, nor can I ever “pass” physically as a woman. I just don’t have the face/body for it. Socially, I had girlfriends, but at moment, I’m not interested in attracting females who can’t accept me wearing comfortable clothing that happens to be in the female section of the the clothing store. I’m an expert in the bedroom for getting women to climax. Recently, my sciatica hurts a lot when I wear workpants, so pantyhose/stockings, skirts and dresses have helped me function better with less pain, even though I’ve been wearing them since 2022
If I could rename this question, I’d rename it to “Do you really enjoy wearing comfortable clothing?”.
In the general side of things, Men’s clothing is often basic and standard (shirt&pants), rugged, rough, and used for protection against the environment and cold weather to get work done. You wouldn’t want to wear a heavy snow gear and boots or a business suit to bed, because it’s not comfortable.
Women’s clothing on the other hand, is suited for a comfortable environment, like your bedroom or a party. The fabric is very comfortable and allowed to be delicate, you can show more skin because you aren’t worried about running through some bushes and damaging your clothing all day, or that it’s cold and rainy outside. Is it common to see women dressed up in elegant, women-only clothing at a construction site, painting a room, lumberjacking, getting down on an uncarpeted floor/dirt, or even stocking shelves at the grocery store? I assure you, they often make women’s dress code to be more towards male clothing for safety concerns for those work environments.
So for this question, I enjoy being in a comfortable environment, and they make women’s clothing, just for that. Men have been brainwashed into having to “just deal with it”, wear uncomfortable clothing cuz you’ll always be working outside of the comfortable places.
Rant: They should really rename the department stores to have an uncomfortable work environment clothing, and a leisure department, and it would solve the profiling and prejudice problems, instead of calling it male/female clothing, but from the question above, it sounds more like someone has a fear and told they can’t do something, even though they don’t live in your house to enforce that rule.
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